2024-25 Lyman Lake Drawdown Period FAQs
By: SJWD | 0 Comment
December 2024 – Lyman Lake Drawdown Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a “drawdown?”
A: Our watershed management strategy includes a wide variety of routine maintenance and monitoring activities, and as part of this proactive approach to management, we plan to lower the water level of Lyman Lake by approximately 3-5ft.
Q: Why do you need to reduce the water levels at the lakes?
A: Our team plans to take advantage of the lower levels by surveying the lakeshore and those areas of the lakes that would not normally be visible. We will also use the opportunity to exercise the valves and gates at the dam. Additionally, the drawdown of the lake will allow our lake residents to perform permitted maintenance to their marine structures and seawalls, as well as work on shoreline stabilization projects.
Q: Will the water level fluctuate during the drawdown?
A: While we aim to keep the lake lowered by approximately 3-5 ft., it may be challenging during heavy rainfall events or wet weather patterns. Wet weather (especially heavy rainfall), like we have experienced recently, may cause the lake level to fluctuate during the drawdown and affect our ability to reach and maintain these lower water levels. While we do have valves and piping that can release supplemental water from Lyman Lake, we must ensure we can provide adequate amounts of water to our drinking water treatment facility. Should you consider beginning a permitted maintenance project, we recommend that weather forecasts be monitored regularly, especially when planning key shoreline work.
Q: How long will the lake levels be lower?
A: We plan to complete the drawdown between December 16, 2024, and lasting through February 16, 2025. So, the lake level will begin to drop in late November and begin to rise in early February. Also, be sure you are subscribed to our Lake Info email list (lakeinfo@sjwd.com) for updates on the drawdown process.
Q: I like to fish and enjoy the lake in the Winter. Will the lowered levels interfere with my recreation plans?
A: While we do not expect this drawdown to impact normal recreation activities like fishing drastically, some lake areas may be harder to navigate during the drawdown. We plan to keep our boat landing at Lyman Lake Park open and available. As always, we encourage safety. Please speak with a Lake Warden to ensure that your plans do not involve taking your boat into a portion of the reservoir that may be difficult to navigate.
Q: What kind of maintenance can I do on my property?
A: Lake residents may benefit from the lower levels, which provide perfect conditions to survey erosion and perform shoreline maintenance projects, including dock maintenance. If you are considering a shoreline management project, or another project that requires a permit, please contact the SJWD Lake Warden Office to start the permitting process. Please remember that maintenance activities do NOT include pushing yard debris or any other material into the lake.
Q: What kind of maintenance can I do to my permitted dock?
A: Lake residents who have a permitted dock will be allowed to maintain anything, except the piers. SJWD will not allow repair or replacement of piers during this drawdown. Please speak with an SJWD Lake Warden to ensure that your maintenance is permitted and compliant with the SJWD’s current policies.
Q: How do I get a permit?
A: Permits are required for any work within the buffer area around Lyman Lake. We encourage you to submit permit applications in advance to ensure adequate time for them to be processed and issued by our watershed management team and lake staff. Please contact SJWD’s Lake Warden office if you are planning maintenance work during the drawdown period. Applications are available at the SJWD Lake Warden Office at 200 Lyman Lodge Rd., Lyman.
Q: Do I need to move my boat?
A: Although not required, we recommend any boats/vessels be removed from the water before the drawdown.
2024-25 Lyman Lake Drawdown Period Information