Lyman Lake Park is located at 200 Lyman Lodge Road. Its facilities include a public fishing pier, a handicap-accessible dual-access boat ramp, and parking for approximately 50 vehicles and trailers. The Lyman Lake Lodge is available to rent for special events and gatherings. To rent the facility, please contact SJWD's customer service at 864-439-4423.
Lyman Lake’s water levels generally average around 843.6 feet above sea level. Various factors can influence how the lake levels change during weather events, including total rainfall, rainfall intensity, soil saturation levels, current lake water level, and river flows. We understand that fluctuating water levels can be frustrating for adjacent property owners, especially those with non-floating structures. However, SJWD does not guarantee any specific maximum or minimum lake water level. We monitor all weather events and may release extra water through the dam when feasible. We are cautious when making this decision due to potential adverse effects on downstream water. We always recommend that adjacent property owners keep an eye on the weather, consider its unpredictable impacts, and take necessary precautions to protect their floating and non-floating structures located on SJWD’s property.
Yes, the water levels at Lyman Lake have always fluctuated. Water levels in a lake fluctuate due to various factors. While some of these factors can be controlled, most cannot. SJWD has implemented a yearly drawdown practice as part of its watershed management program that lowers water levels during winter. Other less controllable factors that can impact lake levels include rainfall, drought conditions, and water production demands downstream from the lake.
Water levels are measured vertically, from the water’s surface and extending upward. The appearance of water levels can vary significantly along the shoreline, especially in shallower areas of the lake. SJWD has a staff gauge positioned at its outlet structure, which we use to monitor fluctuations in water levels. This gauge is calibrated and based off mean sea level.
A complete list of lake rules can be found in our lake policy (
SJWD has not prepared Lyman Lake for swimming, wading, or bathing. Should adjoining property owners allow swimming access from their property, it is their responsibility to provide a safe swimming area, which will be limited to within 20 feet of the owner’s dock. Property owners should be prepared to assume all liability for swimming from their property and to prevent unauthorized swimming or wading from their property. No permits for the use of the lakes or adjoining property issued by SJWD will include permission for wading, bathing, or swimming.
Yes, if conditions allow. However, the boat ramp at Lake Lyman may close during the winter drawdown period and when the ramp or surrounding park is deemed unsafe.
Motors can not exceed 90 hp (outboard) or 135 hp (inboard).
SJWD owns the property surrounding Lyman Lake up to the 850.2 ft contour. For additional questions regarding a property line, please contact SJWD’s Lake Warden Office at (864) 764-2007 or by email at
SJWD has acknowledged that, prior to SJWD’s acquisition of the Lyman Lake property from Springs Industries in 1997, non-floating structures, such as enclosed boathouses and docks constructed on pilings, had been permitted to be built at various locations around the lake. However, since taking ownership, SJWD has not permitted the construction of any new non-floating structure. To accommodate adjacent property owners with existing non-floating structures, a policy was established that allowed these structures to remain for their normal lifespan, provided they do not become dilapidated or require major repairs, which included any repairs needed on parts of the structure normally submerged underwater. Due to the inherent risks and costs associated with owning non-floating structures, as well as the concerns regarding the storage of potentially hazardous substances in these structures, SJWD continues to strongly encourage structure owners to replace any non-floating structure with a floating structure. For additional questions regarding structures, please contact SJWD’s Lake Warden Office by phone at (864) 764-2007 or by email at
Due to the fluctuation of SJWD’s Lake’s water levels throughout the year, SJWD now requires all new docks, piers, and/or structures to be floating to limit losses to structures that are non-floating. During a major flooding event, non-floating structures may become submerged and cause structural damages that make the structure unsafe. Additionally, when lake levels are lowered, non-floating structures may become unusable or unsafe due to the increased space between water levels and the safe walking area on said structure.
SJWD partners with SCDES to manage aquatic invasive and nuisance species. Our joint goal is to preserve native vegetated habitats for waterfowl, wildlife, fish, and other aquatic organisms while controlling invasive and nuisance vegetation.
Our yearly drawdown period is part of our proactive approach to watershed management. Each winter, we lower the water level of Lyman Lake by approximately 3-5 feet for maintenance and monitoring.
We lower the water levels to survey and repair the lakeshore and areas of the lakes we would not normally have access to. We also use this opportunity to exercise the valves and gates at the dam. Although not guaranteed, this is also a period we hope to allow for a natural freeze-kill of exposed invasive aquatic species surrounding the lake. Additionally, the drawdown period allows our lake’s residents to perform permitted maintenance to their marine structures and seawalls and work on shoreline stabilization projects.
While our goal is to keep the lake lowered by approximately 3-5 ft., it may be challenging during heavy rainfall events or wet weather patterns. Wet weather (especially heavy rainfall) may cause the lake level to fluctuate during the drawdown and affect our ability to reach and maintain these lower water levels. While we do have valves and piping that can release supplemental water from Lyman Lake, we must ensure we can provide adequate amounts of water to our drinking water treatment facility. If you are considering beginning a permitted maintenance project, we recommend monitoring weather forecasts regularly, especially when planning key shoreline work.
Lake levels will typically begin to drop in late November and begin to rise in early February.
While we do not expect a drawdown to impact normal recreation activities like fishing drastically, some lake areas may be harder to navigate during this period. We plan to keep our boat landing at Lyman Lake Park open and available when possible. Please speak with a Lake Warden to ensure that your plans do not involve taking your boat into a portion of the reservoir that may be difficult to navigate.
Lake residents may benefit from the lower levels during the drawdown period, which provides perfect conditions to survey erosion and perform shoreline maintenance projects, including dock maintenance. If you are considering a shoreline management project or another project that requires a permit, please contact the SJWD Lake Warden Office to start the permitting process. Additionally, please remember that maintenance activities should NOT involve pushing yard debris or any other materials into the lake.
Permits are required for all work within the buffer area around Lyman Lake. We encourage you to submit permit applications in advance to ensure adequate time for them to be processed and issued by our watershed management team and lake staff. Please contact SJWD’s Lake Warden if you plan maintenance work during the drawdown period. Applications are available at the SJWD Lake Warden Office at 200 Lyman Lodge Rd., Lyman.
Although not required, we recommend removing boats/vessels from the water before the drawdown.
Lyman Lodge Venue Information
Rental Fee: $550
Venue Hours: 8 am - 9 pm
Capacity: 100 People
Rental Includes 15 Tables With Chairs
You can reserve the lodge at Lyman Lake by contacting us at (864) 439-4423 or stopping by our administration office, 198 Watershed Way, Spartanburg, SC 29301.
Please note that rental fees are non-refundable.