The Commission

A five-member Board of Commissioners governs the SJWD Water District. Each commissioner is appointed by the Governor to serve a six-year term. The commissioners hold monthly meetings at the SJWD Water District administration office, typically on the third Tuesday of the month. These meetings are open to the public, and an agenda is posted in the lobby of the administration office. The current agenda is posted to the website and shared with news media at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting time. Please contact us in advance if you wish to be included on the agenda.

Board of Commissioners

Sanford “Buddy” Carlton
Wanda Fowler
Frank Nutt
Brian Leonard
Barry Frost

Info regarding tentative future meeting dates can be found here or in the minutes below. Please note that meeting dates/times are subject to change, and additional meetings may be necessary.

For minutes from previous Commission meetings, please click on the links below: