Boating and Fishing

Boating and fishing are allowed at Lyman Lake and Lake Cooley, with an appropriate permit and license.  For your convenience and enjoyment, SJWD maintains boating ramps and fishing docks at each lake.

Hours of operation are posted at the individual sites and may vary seasonally.  Please note that park gates close at each location at official sunset and all boats must be off the lake 30 minutes prior to that time.  Jet skis are NOT permitted at either lake.  Water skiing is allowed only on Lyman Lake.

The horsepower restrictions for each lake are as follows:

Lyman Lake:  Motors shall not exceed 90 hp (outboard) or 135 hp (inboard)

Lake Cooley: Motors shall not exceed 15 hp (Except for Pontoons which shall not exceed 30 hp)


BOAT PERMITS: All boats (including non-motorized watercraft) must display an annually issued SJWD boating permit sticker.

To apply: You must bring your boat/vessel registration card and a valid ID to the Warden office located at 200 Lyman Lodge Road during the office hours of 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday-Sunday.  Please note we only accept card payments, NO CASH or CHECK payments are accepted.


SJWD Wardens Office

200 Lyman Lodge Road, Lyman SC 29365

For hours and other information, please call 864-949-2830

To learn more about SJWD’s lake policies, click here.

SJWD Boat Permit and Fee Schedule (2024)

Boat Dock and Slip Specifications

Lyman Lake (only)

Spartanburg County Residents:  $60

South Carolina Residents: $120

Out of State:  $240


Lyman Lake and Lake Cooley

Spartanburg County Residents:  $40

South Carolina Residents: $80

Out of State:  $120


All non-motorized watercraft permit fee: $5.00

(Includes access on Lyman Lake, Lake Cooley, and Berry’s Pond)


Disabled Veterans presenting a Certificate of Discharge (DD-214)  are eligible to receive a free boat permit.